If you suspect child abuse, call our 24/7 Hotline   |   419-213-2273 (CARE)

Help For Parent

You may have been contacted because Lucas County Children Services received a report of possible abuse, neglect, or dependency of a child or children in your care. When a report is made, we are required to investigate to see whether it is true or not.

If the person making the report is concerned about your child’s safety or well-being, we will talk with your child, you, and others who can help us understand the situation and determine what actions, if any, may be necessary.

After we assess your situation, we may:
End the investigation with no other involvement,
Refer you to other community services, or;
Open a case with your family.

When we finish our investigation and assessment, we will send you a letter telling you our conclusions and recommendations. Cases are closed when there is an assurance that the children are safe.

Parents’ Rights and Responsibilities

You Have Responsibilities:

  • Help your caseworker to have reasonable access to you, your home, and your children in order to complete a risk assessment of your child and family circumstances.
  • Help your caseworker in defining your family’s strengths and/or needs.
  • If you are of Native American heritage, let your caseworker know. Our agency complies with the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and will assist you as needed.


You Have the Right

  • To be treated with courtesy and respect.
  • To receive services in a non-discriminatory manner.
  • To be spoken with in words that you understand.
  • To ask questions and make your ideas known.
  • To hear and talk about your strengths, family risks, and safety issues.
  • To take part in talking about, designing, and reviewing your case plan.
  • To express and practice your religious and spiritual beliefs.
  • To decide whether to receive services, to refuse any services that aren’t required by law or court-ordered, and to know the possible consequences if you choose not to receive the services.
  • To decide whether or not to take part in surveys or research. If you decide not to, there will be no consequences.
  • To complain about the way you or your children have been treated, or about concerns you have. To have those complaints looked into through a review of your case and planning, and to get an answer.
  • To seek legal advice.
  • To review parts of your record (Records of investigations are not available for review). Please request a review form from our receptionist or your caseworker.
  • To receive a letter regarding the findings of an investigation about you or your children, and to appeal those findings if you disagree with them.


*** If you prefer a language other than English, we will provide you with an interpreter at no cost to you.


301 Adams St., Toledo, OH 43604

Switchboard is answered 24/7
Phone: (419) 213-3200 
Fax: (419) 327-3291

Office Hours: 
Monday – Friday: 
8:00 am – 5:00 pm

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