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Visit our new
Foster Care Facebook page.

To learn more about becoming a foster parent:
Attend a community recruitment event; call 419-213-3336 and/or fill out the”Request More Information” form below.

To learn more about becoming a foster parent:
Attend a community recruitment event;
call 419-213-3336
and/or fill out the”Request More Information” form below.


Visit our new Foster Care Facebook page.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ac viverra lectus. Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus id nulla posuere, ultrices magna id, malesuada turpis. Integer id porttitor odio. 

Become A Foster Parent

Foster Care – General Information
Pre-Service Schedule/Registration
Community Recruitment Events
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Other Ways to Help

Other Ways To Help
Make A Difference For A Child

Help a family
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum mauris lobortis metus auctor, id mollis ex consectetur. Etiam pulvinar justo vel tristique efficitur. Aenean vehicula sodales mi in maximus. Nunc blandit, dolor vitae suscipit condimentum, dolor mi mattis felis, vitae imperdiet tellus risus sed sapien. Sed hendrerit, quam vel tincidunt bibendum, dolor neque feugiat libero, ut viverra dui leo a elit. Pellentesque ac lorem non nunc pulvinar luctus. Suspendisse id magna at metus gravida egestas. Aenean nec ligula ut elit condimentum luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean egestas purus at imperdiet sagittis. Integer et ligula quam. Proin ut tortor placerat, cursus magna at, tempus enim. In at dui tellus. Donec iaculis felis orci, in convallis justo interdum et. Cras consectetur sed lacus lacinia viverra.
How do I get started?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum mauris lobortis metus auctor, id mollis ex consectetur. Etiam pulvinar justo vel tristique efficitur. Aenean vehicula sodales mi in maximus. Nunc blandit, dolor vitae suscipit condimentum, dolor mi mattis felis, vitae imperdiet tellus risus sed sapien. Sed hendrerit, quam vel tincidunt bibendum, dolor neque feugiat libero, ut viverra dui leo a elit. Pellentesque ac lorem non nunc pulvinar luctus. Suspendisse id magna at metus gravida egestas. Aenean nec ligula ut elit condimentum luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean egestas purus at imperdiet sagittis. Integer et ligula quam. Proin ut tortor placerat, cursus magna at, tempus enim. In at dui tellus. Donec iaculis felis orci, in convallis justo interdum et. Cras consectetur sed lacus lacinia viverra.
Be a role model or mentor
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque rutrum mauris lobortis metus auctor, id mollis ex consectetur. Etiam pulvinar justo vel tristique efficitur. Aenean vehicula sodales mi in maximus. Nunc blandit, dolor vitae suscipit condimentum, dolor mi mattis felis, vitae imperdiet tellus risus sed sapien. Sed hendrerit, quam vel tincidunt bibendum, dolor neque feugiat libero, ut viverra dui leo a elit. Pellentesque ac lorem non nunc pulvinar luctus. Suspendisse id magna at metus gravida egestas. Aenean nec ligula ut elit condimentum luctus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean egestas purus at imperdiet sagittis. Integer et ligula quam. Proin ut tortor placerat, cursus magna at, tempus enim. In at dui tellus. Donec iaculis felis orci, in convallis justo interdum et. Cras consectetur sed lacus lacinia viverra.

Foster Care Information

To learn more about becoming a foster parent:
Attend a recruitment event; call 419-213-3336
and/or fill out the “Request More Information” form below.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Homestudy Process
Request More Information
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

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Who has to attend training?

If you are married or if you have a partner (living in your home), both of you will need to attend preservice training.

How long do I have to complete training?

The 36-hour preservice training, home study and licensing must be completed in 18 months or less.

How long does it take to get licensed?

It depends on how quickly you complete your paperwork, get your fingerprints done and get the appropriate references and letters. From there, we have a home study worker meet with you in your home for a site and safety inspection and to review the types and number of children you’re interested in fostering or adopting. The entire process can take anywhere from two to six months. It must be completed within 18 months without starting the entire process over again.

What type of background checks do you do for foster parents?

Everyone in the household over the age of 18 must do a BCI criminal record check and be fingerprinted. JIS checks are also done for any children over the age of 10.

Do foster children need to have their own bedrooms?

No, but they need their own bed. Same-gender children may share a bedroom with other foster children or your own children. Bunk beds are acceptable for children over 6. Children cannot share sleeping quarters with you if they are over 12 months old.

How soon will I have children in my home?

Once you are licensed, it could be at any time. When a child needs a foster family, we go through the list of available homes and try to match the family to the child’s needs as closely as possible.

Suppose I am taking a vacation or are not available?

Let your caseworker know. Each foster family needs a backup plan or an alternative care plan that has been pre-approved by LCCS.

Do I have a choice about the children that I foster?

Yes. You will fill out a child characteristic inventory form about the types of children and behaviors you are willing to accept. Then when the caseworker calls about a child (or children), he/she will provide you with information about the child and you can make your decision.

What is the greatest need?

Right now, the agency’s greatest need is for families willing to take babies and groups of brothers and sisters, but we need families to care for children and teens of all ages.

Does it matter that I’m not married or don’t make a lot of money?

You can be married or single, a homeowner or a renter. The only financial requirement is that you have enough of an income to support yourself and your family aside from the stipend you will receive to care for your foster children.

Do foster parents have to stay at home with the children or can they work full-time?

Many foster children attend daycare – paid for by ODJFS, or LCCS when funds are available – which allows foster parents to work outside the home. Foster parents just need to apply through ODJFS.

My children are grown and out of the house. Am I too old to be a foster parent?

There is no age requirement (other than you must be at least 21 years of age to foster and 18 to adopt). You must also have a doctor certify that you are physically able to care for a child. Many “empty nesters” find foster parenting to be a rewarding experience.

I don’t have any children. Does that rule me out?

No. You just need to be a responsible person who will make a commitment to children through the training provided by LCCS.

Once I take in a foster child, am I on my own?

No. Children need stability, and LCCS offers foster parents plenty of support to maintain children in their home. Before you even take in your first child, the LCCS staff works with you to develop a profile of the type of child best suited to the experience and capabilities of your family. Caseworkers – one for you and one for the child – visit your home monthly to talk through any concerns you have. We provide free, ongoing training so you are constantly learning new tips and strategies for caring for children. Counseling is provided for children who need help understanding and processing their trauma.

What other supports do I receive?

Foster parents receive a monthly stipend to care for the child based on his/her age and needs. The child will also receive periodic clothing vouchers. We provide some assistance for childcare and help you apply for child care support through ODJFS. The Lucas County Foster Parent Association provides an opportunity to network with other foster parents. The agency provides recreational opportunities, such as vouchers for sporting events and local performances, as they are made available.

Is there ongoing training for foster parents?

Yes, there is additional training each year. We provide the training at no charge. A calendar of training opportunities is made available each month, and you can register online. Your caseworker will recommend specific training classes for you based on your strengths and the needs of the children in your home.

Do I have to provide medical insurance for a foster child in my home?

No. Foster parents do not pay any of a child’s medical expenses, other than over-the counter medicines and supplies. You are reimbursed for all prescriptions covered by Medicaid.

What kind of situations do the children come from?

Thirty-nine percent of the children we see have suffered physical abuse. Thirty-one percent have suffered neglect. Ten percent have been victims of sexual abuse. Twenty percent are victims of emotional abuse.

Do children in foster care see their parents?

We arrange for children in foster care to see their parents in supervised settings, usually here at the agency or at one of a handful of community centers. These visits take place while parents work their case plan, and continue as long as the family’s goal is reunification.

Haven’t foster children been abused so much that they’re beyond repair?

No. Children are amazingly resilient. Foster parents can make the difference by providing a structured, nurturing environment. Also, along with the supports from LCCS and other community resources these children can grow up to be productive adults in our society. How we respond to their needs now will largely determine what kind of citizens they will be in the future.

How long do foster children stay with me?

Children placed in your home for foster care can stay anywhere from a few days to a couple of years. Generally, the stay is from 9 to 18 months. The Juvenile Court usually wants to make a permanency plan for the child after about a year.

What if the child isn’t able to return home?

Sometimes, this happens…birth parents have problems that they aren’t able to fix. The Juvenile Court decides whether to sever parental rights. If the judge makes this decision, the child comes into the permanent custody of the agency. From that point, we begin the process of finding a new, adoptive family. If possible, we try to identify a relative to adopt the child. Very often, foster parents adopt the foster children that they’ve cared for, since they’ve become part of the family.

Topic – Frequently Asked Questions (pdf download)

Homestudy Process

Step 1:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sodales nisi eu lacinia molestie. Nullam maximus fringilla imperdiet. Proin non congue turpis. Donec id tortor et tortor volutpat bibendum at ac velit. Vestibulum dapibus dui eros, ut vehicula felis tincidunt vitae. Nam dignissim venenatis urna, quis cursus orci varius quis. Donec risus sem, congue non scelerisque quis, dignissim ut eros. Proin pharetra viverra erat. Sed sagittis vel ipsum eu dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mollis ligula eget ligula molestie, vel dignissim est tincidunt. Morbi quis urna sed est placerat posuere. Ut non orci ac mauris gravida hendrerit.

Step 2:
Duis convallis non nisi eu rhoncus. Nam in orci placerat, semper tortor id, feugiat nisl. Donec at mi sed eros efficitur consequat. Donec commodo posuere sapien, non porttitor eros tempus non. Quisque non diam quam. Fusce id neque eu massa ornare porta ac vitae lorem. Morbi elementum in enim sed ultricies. Fusce volutpat facilisis arcu, a vulputate velit vehicula ac. Vestibulum semper eleifend iaculis. Integer sit amet tristique arcu, in fermentum nunc. Maecenas volutpat luctus eros, nec tempus nisl facilisis a.

Step 3:
Quisque varius auctor dolor rutrum ultricies. Phasellus commodo arcu rhoncus dapibus bibendum. Praesent vehicula ligula et dolor lacinia, eu eleifend lacus vestibulum. Ut posuere eros vel odio tincidunt, ut auctor tortor faucibus. Pellentesque risus nisl, convallis et ex vitae, maximus malesuada ante. Nulla ac lacus nec eros efficitur tincidunt et in tellus. Vivamus iaculis sapien erat, quis tempus felis consectetur ut.

Step 4:
Nam eu sapien leo. Nunc non arcu et nunc luctus imperdiet nec a dolor. Aliquam pulvinar aliquet eros, eget vestibulum odio tempus non. Donec luctus euismod euismod. Integer scelerisque metus et vestibulum mattis. Etiam rhoncus sed orci nec commodo. Nullam a risus quis risus pretium aliquet. Donec quis faucibus nisi. Donec vel accumsan tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sed arcu justo. Integer nec ex lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus laoreet dui, at tristique lorem scelerisque id. Cras mauris mi, tincidunt at dolor eu, molestie vestibulum lectus. Phasellus dictum arcu at dolor tempus, eu tempor sapien ultrices.


Resource 1:
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sodales nisi eu lacinia molestie. Nullam maximus fringilla imperdiet. Proin non congue turpis. Donec id tortor et tortor volutpat bibendum at ac velit. Vestibulum dapibus dui eros, ut vehicula felis tincidunt vitae. Nam dignissim venenatis urna, quis cursus orci varius quis. Donec risus sem, congue non scelerisque quis, dignissim ut eros. Proin pharetra viverra erat. Sed sagittis vel ipsum eu dictum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec mollis ligula eget ligula molestie, vel dignissim est tincidunt. Morbi quis urna sed est placerat posuere. Ut non orci ac mauris gravida hendrerit.

Resource  2:
Duis convallis non nisi eu rhoncus. Nam in orci placerat, semper tortor id, feugiat nisl. Donec at mi sed eros efficitur consequat. Donec commodo posuere sapien, non porttitor eros tempus non. Quisque non diam quam. Fusce id neque eu massa ornare porta ac vitae lorem. Morbi elementum in enim sed ultricies. Fusce volutpat facilisis arcu, a vulputate velit vehicula ac. Vestibulum semper eleifend iaculis. Integer sit amet tristique arcu, in fermentum nunc. Maecenas volutpat luctus eros, nec tempus nisl facilisis a.

Resource  3:
Quisque varius auctor dolor rutrum ultricies. Phasellus commodo arcu rhoncus dapibus bibendum. Praesent vehicula ligula et dolor lacinia, eu eleifend lacus vestibulum. Ut posuere eros vel odio tincidunt, ut auctor tortor faucibus. Pellentesque risus nisl, convallis et ex vitae, maximus malesuada ante. Nulla ac lacus nec eros efficitur tincidunt et in tellus. Vivamus iaculis sapien erat, quis tempus felis consectetur ut.

Resource  4:
Nam eu sapien leo. Nunc non arcu et nunc luctus imperdiet nec a dolor. Aliquam pulvinar aliquet eros, eget vestibulum odio tempus non. Donec luctus euismod euismod. Integer scelerisque metus et vestibulum mattis. Etiam rhoncus sed orci nec commodo. Nullam a risus quis risus pretium aliquet. Donec quis faucibus nisi. Donec vel accumsan tortor. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sed arcu justo. Integer nec ex lectus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Suspendisse maximus laoreet dui, at tristique lorem scelerisque id. Cras mauris mi, tincidunt at dolor eu, molestie vestibulum lectus. Phasellus dictum arcu at dolor tempus, eu tempor sapien ultrices.

Request More Information

For additional information, please fill out the form below, call 419-213-0000 or email [email protected] and an LCCS staff member will be in contact with you. Thank you.

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LCCS Mission Statement

Our mission is to lead the community in the protection of children at risk of abuse and neglect. This is accomplished by working with families, service providers and community members to assess risk and coordinate community-based services resulting in safe, stable, and permanent families for children.

Lucas County Children Services

705 Adams St., Toledo, OH 43604

Switchboard is answered 24/7
Phone: (419) 213-3200  •  Fax: (419) 327-3291

Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm





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