If you suspect child abuse, call our 24/7 Hotline   |   419-213-2273 (CARE)

Help For Treatment Foster Parents
Treatment foster care, also called therapeutic foster care, is out-of-home care by foster parents with specialized training to care for a wide variety of children and adolescents, usually those with significant emotional, behavioral, or social issues or medical needs. This page will feature information of interest to Lucas County Children Services treatment foster caregivers.

Northwest Ohio Regional Training Center (NWORTC) – Caregivers Monthly Calendar
The Ohio University Consortium for Child and Adult Services promotes the delivery of high quality, culturally competent, family centered services to children and their families who have experienced or are at risk of abuse, neglect or dependency. We provide competency-based training primarily to the public agency professionals, caregivers, and adoptive parents who serve them. We collaborate with other service providers to promote the delivery of competency-based training. We advocate for public policy and standards that reflect best practice in child welfare.

NWORTC Caregiver Calendar: