If you suspect child abuse, call our 24/7 Hotline   |   419-213-2273 (CARE)

Records Request

Lucas County Children’s Services follows Ohio Revised Code 149.43 regarding Public Record Requests.

Public Records include those records that document the organization’s functions, policies, procedures and operations. 

Case record information is not subject to the public records laws and is confidential per the ORC 5153.17.

Records are available Monday – Friday from 8:30 AM – 4:30 PM with the exception of holidays.
Please contact the Information Release Supervisor at 419-213-3515, or use the form and email address below, to submit your Public Record Request. You are not required to submit your identity or the intended use of the records when submitting a Public Records Request.

As a rule, there is no cost for copies; however, we reserve the right to charge for high volume requests. If records are readily available, they will be given out immediately. If records need to be reviewed, researched, or redacted, a written response and/or the records will be sent in no more than three business days.

For all other record requests that are not Public Records, please use the form and email address below, or contact our information release department at 419-213-3376. Case record information is confidential per ORC 5153.17, and is also not subject to Personal Information Requests. 

Download form above. Complete it online.
Email completed form to: lucaskids-information-release@jfs.ohio.gov